
Tune into The Aware Parenting Stories Podcast and The Aware Parenting and Natural Learning Podcast
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Aware Parenting Podcasts with Joss

In these Podcasts about Aware Parenting, I cover a variety of topics. The Aware Parenting Stories podcast explores the world of parenting through conversations with people who are passionate about parenting and supporting others to parent in this beautiful way.

The Aware Parenting and Natural Learning Podcast with Marion Rose explores Aware Parenting and Natural Learning. Together we cover many different aspects of these wonderful approaches and provide information and inspiration to support other families who are called to practise these together too.

Aware Parenting Stories

About the podcast
Each week I interview inspiring parents to discuss the joys and challenges of parenting that we all face in our families.

I talk to parenting experts and Aware Parenting Instructors to explore many aspects of raising children. People share their stories about parenting in this way, what they have loved and what they have found challenging and how parenting has supported them to heal their own childhood pain. The aim is to inspire us all on our parenting adventures, to build more connection and community and to support us all to offer more compassion to ourselves and our children.
Featured episode
Episode 79

"Help I am Getting Triggered!"

In this episode I respond to a listener’s question about what we can do when we are triggered by our children’s behaviour. I talk about how normal it is for us all to have many moments when we are activiated in response to our children. I share about some of the main ways in which we were wounded and hurt as children and how this can affect us as adults, underlying some of our reactions to our children. I share some of the ways we might be triggered by our children.

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Aware Parenting Stories Podcast
All Episodes

Episode 9

Reseach on Effectiveness of Playful Discipline with Kate Baltrotsky

Episode 9: In today’s episode I have the pleasure of talking to Kate Baltrotsky. Kate has been an Aware Parenting Instructor since 2014 and is the mother to 3 children. She is completing her Ph.D. at evaluating the Aware Parenting approach.
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Episode 8

How Aware Parenting brings Joy, Laughter and Connection with Shelley Clarke

Today on the podcast I talk to Shelley Clarke. Shelley supports parents to understand their child's behaviour and develop rich long lasting relationships. She is a Physiotherapist, CranioSacral Therapist, Aware Parenting Instructor and Parent Mentor.
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Episode 7

Parenting Without Punishments and Rewards with Alfie Kohn

Today’s podcast is in 2 parts. In the first part, I was so fortunate to interview Alfie Kohn. Mr Kohn is a writer and speaker who specialises in human behaviour, education and parenting.
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Episode 6

Aware Parenting in Day Care and Supporting Children with Special Needs with Steph Fleeton

In this episode of the podcast, I have the pleasure of interviewing Steph Fleeton. Steph is an Aware Parenting Instructor and mum to 2 boys. She is the founder of Spirited Hearts Natural Learning Haven.
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Episode 6

What is Aware Parenting?

This short extra episode is based on my Introduction to Aware Parenting Course. I describe what Aware Parenting is and what the core aspects and principles are.
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Episode 5

Supporting our Children, Control Patterns and Doing our Work with Danni Willow

In this episode I have the pleasure of talking to Danni Willow. Danni is an Aware Parenting Instructor, a parenting coach, early childhood educator, primary school teacher and holder of sacred space for Mother and women circles.
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Episode 4

Naomi Aldort - Raising our Children, Raising Ourselves

Featuring an interview with Naomi Aldort. Naomi is the author of Raising our Children, Raising Ourselves, which has been translated into 20 languages. She provides support and education for parents around the world.
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Episode 3

Creating More Connection in our Families with Lael Stone

I was so excited to speak with the lovely Lael Stone, who is a champion of creating connection in families. She is a TEDx speaker on Raising Emotionally Intelligent Children, an author, a parenting counsellor, an educator and mother of 3.
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Episode 2

Connection Parenting with Pam Leo

This week on the Podcast I have the honour of talking to Pam Leo. Pam is the author of the wonderful book “Connection Parenting: Parenting through Connection instead of Coercion, through Love instead of Fear”.
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Episode 1

Aware Parenting to Support Babies, Young Children, Teens and Adults with Marion Rose

In this first episode, I have the pleasure of talking to Marion Rose Ph.D.. Marion is a Level 2 Aware Parenting Instructor, a Psychospiritual Mentor and the creator of the Marion Method for pscyhospiritual development, parenting and entrepreneurship.
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Suggest a topic or feature on a podcast

Are you passionate about Aware Parenting? Would you like to suggest a topic for me to discuss? Would you like to come on the podcast and have a conversation with me about what you love about parenting in this way and how you have overcome some of the challenges?
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The Aware Parenting and Natural Learning Podcast

About the podcast
Marion Rose and I are both really passionate about Aware Parenting and Natural Learning. This podcast explores many different aspects of these beautiful approaches and provides information and inspiration to support other families who are called to practise these together too.
Catch up on the latest episode
Episode 21

The Many Gifts of AwP & Natural Learning

We share the gifts, which include our children's self-connection, their freedom from the painful and enduring beliefs about ourselves that are set up in school through cultural conditioning, their freedom from coercion and control and the deep, mutual, unconditional love that is the defining feature of our relationships, throughout childhood and beyond.

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The Aware Parenting and Natural Learning Podcast
All Episodes

Getting started with Aware Parenting

Aware parenting free introductory course

FREE Introductory course

This free short video introduction to Aware Parenting Course covers the basics of Aware Parenting theory and explains the strategies and tools to start supporting your children in this beautiful way.

It is ideal for people who are new to this approach.

It covers listening to our children’s feelings, how to play to build connection and promote healing, how to support ourselves as parents and how to build deep, loving relationships in the family.

Free Introductory Course

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Aware Parenting with Joss

I am so passionate about sharing this beautiful approach with parents. I believe that Aware Parenting is THE solution for so many of the challenges facing the world. - Joss Goulden, Level 2 Aware Parenting Instructor
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