Aware Parenting Courses

Explore my 2 courses - Aware Parenting Teenagers and Aware Partnering in Parenthood.
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Parenting courses for connected families

I invite you to explore both of my courses below - The Aware Parenting Teenagers Course and The Aware Partnering in Parenthood Course, both outlined below.

My courses help parents to navigate the often complex world of parenting. These courses support parents to deeply understand the theory of Aware Parenting and to learn how to put it into practice for each individual, unique family.

This beautiful approach to raising our children, supports them to grow up feeling lovingly connected to us and deeply connected to themselves. Aware Parenting also supports us as parents to release and heal the painful feelings we carry in our hearts so that we can be the parent we want to be and so our children are not burdened by our trauma, but instead free to be themselves.

Join now and begin your journey of creating connected families and partnerships in parenting.

As a Level 2 Aware Parenting Instructor, attendance at my 6 hour Aware Parenting workshops, either online or in person, supports you to meet this part of the requirements to become certified as a Level 1 Aware Parenting Instructor yourself should you be choosing to explore that.

And if you’re dipping your toe in the water of Aware Parenting Courses, I invite you to access my free course.

The Aware Parenting Teenagers Course

This course to support parents to explore the theory and practice of Aware Parenting and how it applies specifically to parenting in the teenage years. It is an in-depth journey into how this life-changing approach helps us to develop close and healthy relationships with our teens.

Whether you are new to Aware Parenting or have been practising this in your family for some time, this deeply supportive course will guide you to have more ease, connection and fun in parenting your teens.

Course Includes

• Welcome to Aware Parenting Teenagers
• Introduction to Aware Parenting Teenagers
• Building Connection and Prioritising Our Relationships
• Non-punitive Discipline with Teens
• Listening to our Teens’ Feelings
• Listening to our Feelings as Parents
• Meeting Needs in our Families
• Attachment Play with Teenagers
• Trust, Privacy and Individuation
• Loving Limits and Control Patterns in the teen years
• Dealing with the Challenges
• Saying Goodbye and Staying Connected
• Resources for Support
• Facebook Community
• Regular Live Rounds
• Lifetime Access to course material
• Student Portal
Explore an in depth overview of this course

Join the Aware Parenting Teenagers course

Easy payment options available
Once-off payment
$520 AUD
sign up
3 Monthly Payments
$190 AUD per month
sign up
Total of 3 payment over 3 consecutive months

Kind words

Aware Partnering in Parenthood Course


Course Includes

• The stresses and challenges of Aware Partnering - of raising children together
• Your visions for your family
• Aware Parenting in a nutshell
• The impact of our childhood on our parenting
• Support for ourselves in times of conflict
• Learning to offer connection and compassion to our children and ourselves
• Learning to offer connection and compassion to our partner/co-parent
• Supporting our children in times of conflict
• Working together as a team

The Aware Partnering in Parenthood Course

This course will guide you to the same page in parenting with your partner/co-parent and support you to bring the principles and theory of the Aware Parenting framework to your relationships. This course looks at how we can use the core components of compassion and connection that lie under all of the Aware Parenting approach, to shape our relationships.

This course will give you tools to use in your families to bring you more harmony and connection, to your relationship with your partner as well as your relationships with your children. It supports you to navigate the stresses of parenting, whether you are together with the other parent of your children, separated from them or in a blended family.

Course Structure

The course is a self-paced set of 9 modules, containing videos and reflections journals, resources and meditations. It is all based on the principles of Aware Parenting developed by Aletha Solter Ph.D.

This course will help you to understand Aware Parenting with your partner or co-parent and navigate the challenges of our modern families, with awareness and connection. It will support you to bring conscious communication and compassion to your relationship with the other parent of your child.
Explore an in depth overview of this course

Join the Aware Partnering in Parenthood course

Easy payment options available
Once-off payment
sign up
3 Monthly Payments
$94 per month
sign up
Total of 3 payments over 3 consecutive months

Getting started with Aware Parenting

Aware parenting free introductory course

FREE Introductory course

This free short video introduction to Aware Parenting Course covers the basics of Aware Parenting theory and explains the strategies and tools to start supporting your children in this beautiful way.

It is ideal for people who are new to this approach.

It covers listening to our children’s feelings, how to play to build connection and promote healing, how to support ourselves as parents and how to build deep, loving relationships in the family.

Free Introductory Course

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Aware Parenting with Joss

I am so passionate about sharing this beautiful approach with parents. I believe that Aware Parenting is THE solution for so many of the challenges facing the world. - Joss Goulden, Level 2 Aware Parenting Instructor
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