Working with Joss has been an incredible experience. When I first connected with Joss I had completed some other Aware Parenting workshop type courses but never anything 1:1 and so I had no idea what to expect. Going into it I was hoping for some support with how to connect with and support my daughter through a tricky phase; I ended up with so so much more. Joss has an incredible listening style and I have never felt more seen or accepted for my thoughts and feelings. Her ability to listen and hold space with such compassion and kindness was priceless.
I come into our sessions with parenting questions or frustrations and leave with not only practical strategies and tips on how to navigate them but always with some deep inner work or healing. Joss knows how to ask the exact right questions to reach beneath the surface (as the parent/individual) and access the real drivers of my reactions/fears/stories and then support me to connect with them, reparent my inner child or offer myself the compassion and love that has been lacking - all in a way that I could never achieve on my own. It's this work that has proved the invaluable gift of my work with Joss.
I love that even with all the wisdom Joss holds, I have never felt inadequate, not good enough etc in her presence - the way she validates the challenges or frustrations I share is incredibly healing and something I hope to be able to develop and be able to emanate with my children.
Thank you Joss for your beautiful support in my Aware Parenting journey.
I attended a workshop Joss ran last year and I immediately felt held. I later signed up to do a month of work with Joss and I am incredibly grateful I did. Joss’s knowledge is powerful, it comes from a place of her lived experience and also extensive education. With both of these super powers together, Joss made me feel safe within my body which opened my heart up to heal. I felt like I had worked through 20years of therapy in the month of work I did with Joss. She helped me peel back the layers to feel my emotions & the pain I had been pushing down for so long. The heavy weight of the emotions I had buried deep and shame that came with that, are slowly washing away. I now feel like I have the ability to sit with my children’s big emotions & pain on such a deeper level.
This has also changed the way I practice in my work with other families.
Joss you truly are a gift to the world.
Joss offers a beautiful, wide space of welcome in which every part of me can feel valued, seen and heard. I feel so incredibly held by her warm, steady presence, and words. For me, the sessions combined with voice messaging provide such a wonderful support, in which I can feel held and nurtured in my journey as a mother. Huge heartfelt thank you to you dear Joss.
When I talked to Joss for the first time I had only known about Aware parenting for about 2 weeks and previously practiced attachment parenting with lots of breastfeeding to sleep and as comfort. My son was 2,5 years old and we had been struggling with his sleep since birth with approximately 10-30 wakeups per night and the longest stretch of sleep being 2-3 hours. Only breastfeeding would resettle him and I was beyond exhausted. We needed a change and we needed it now, that's why we took help from an Aware parenting instructor basically right away, we could not afford unnecessary trial and error and really needed support.
Talking to Joss was lovely, I felt heard, understood and held, something I really missed since becoming a mother. We got practical suggestions on simple changes in our routines as well as play ideas, and the emotional support for me was invaluable. We used our initial 3 sessions within a couple of weeks and saw a MASSIVE change in our son, both in behaviour and sleep. He opened up, was happier and more cooperative, and night wakings quickly reduced to approximately 1-3 with the longest stretch of sleep being 5-7 hours. It was such a big shift I almost couldn't believe it.
I can highly recommend Joss, and I will continue to use her support for my son as well as for my own inner work, probably for many years to come.
Working with Joss is like being an alchemist's apprentice, learning from a very skilled and compassionate alchemist that has many methods of turning lead into gold. Sitting with Joss gives me the strength and greater skills to witness myself through my experience of life. I have more patience and unconditional love for my own pains and can accept that life is an unfolding process that always deserves to be met with love. She is the voice in my head when its too hard to love myself through a challenging feeling or circumstance and it guides me to return to inner love. This informs my parenting to be more authentically unconditionally loving and I have the words to use to help repair with my children in times of rupture and to accept them in times of struggle. This process translates to all of my relationships, I feel more loving and more compassionate with no effort, it is simply a growing humming inside of me. Working with Joss is keeping me on the fast track of turning my lead into gold, every apprentice needs a master and I have found that in Joss.
I highly recommend working with Joss if you have your own feelings coming up or if you would like help with parenting challenges."
Something deeply resonated with me from the beginning after listening to Joss's podcast and hearing her passion for both Aware Parenting and natural learning. I'm so grateful to have had the opportunity to have Joss support me. Joss has supported me through specific parenting concerns I needed advice on, as well as delving into my own personal stories and reparenting journey. I can't speak highly enough of Joss and everything she has done to support me and my family on our journey so far. She is warm, kind, compassionate and patient. Her capacity to hold space for me has been amazing to experience. She is a wealth of knowledge and her passion for both Aware Parenting and natural leaning is so clear. Thank you Joss for all you are and have done, it's truely appreciated.
Joss is an immense wealth of parental knowledge and advice.
Coming from a deep seat of compassion and empathy, Joss has supported me in my journey though the pitfalls of parenthood and given me the support and knowledge I needed to navigate my darkest moments with my children.
Being a single Father with a majority of custody, Joss has supported my path forward, not only with regards to my children, but also with their mother and the dynamic that intertwines that triangle of power.
Whether it was listening to her podcasts or dealing direct in one on one consultations, Joss has helped my family come back to the basics of connection, awareness, love and joy with a big focus on the beauty and healing properties of play and loving support.
From dealing with learning disorders, homeschooling, depression & anxiety, drugs & alcohol and just plain defiance, joss has helped me across the full spectrum of childhood issues with a calm, balanced and conscious energy that invigorates you and leaves you feeling like there is hope.
These little humans don’t come with an instruction manual so it is so comforting to know that people like Joss are around to help those of us who are struggling.
Good conscious parenting is hard, but the rewards are bountiful and there is nothing more fulfilling in this world than watching our children thrive and learn the ways of this world under the safety of our care and guidance in a connected and balanced way.
Thank you for your help and guidance.
My partner and I love working with Joss. Joss has such a wealth of experience in Aware Parenting and her approach is grounded & deeply caring. We contacted Joss because our toddler really struggled with the transition to having a new baby brother. I recall thinking many times in the initial months after having our second baby, ‘oh I’m having yet another unenjoyable parenting moment, and another, and another!!’. I felt emotionally stretched and worn out, and so did my partner.
Our sessions with Joss have supported us to prioritise more self care & nurturing, foster deep compassion for ourselves and our little ones, listen with abundant presence to big feelings, play with the magical powers of play & continue the journey of re-parenting ourselves! That’s a whole lot of value isn’t it!! I highly recommend Joss - she’s an empowering super-power coach who has supported us to access our own super-powers more and more. Big hearted appreciation to you Joss
I was struggling with parenting my 9 year old son and 6 year old daughter particularly around having firm boundaries and being consistent. I was talking to a friend of mine and saying I need a parenting coach and she mentioned Joss and aware parenting. I had never heard of aware parenting and looked it up. It immediately resonated with me so I got in touch with Joss.
In only a short time Joss was able to explain to me very clearly the principles of aware parenting and how they work. She listened with compassion as I told her the struggles I have been experiencing and gave me some really good practical tips which when I put them into practice really worked. I actually thought I would need to see Joss for a long time as I was feeling quite pessimistic about things changing at the start, but I was surprised that just by adding some new techniques from aware parenting how effective it was.
My partner was a little sceptical at first as he thought it was about permissive parenting but he soon realised he was wrong. He saw how the changes we both made improved things and he really started to understand the way it works.
It was clear to me that Joss is really passionate about what she does and I felt very supported by her throughout my parenting challenges.
Thank you Joss
I know that Aware Parenting is Joss's passion and life choice. She always shows empathy, forgiveness, compassion and unconditional love. Joss is well known as an empathetic and nurturing woman. She is a mentor to me and to many, children and adults both, during times of challenge and as life support. Joss is easy to talk to and provides a non judgemental space where you feel comfortable and relaxed to be in. I know that I can trust Joss . She is a truly great listener and can hear for the real issues underneath the surface and help me to fully address them. She is always looking for the best solution for both long term and short term.
Joss makes a huge difference in the lives of so many women and children. With a warm heart and a genuine love of people Joss is my generosity mentor, she goes above and beyond, always with love and kindness as her goal. She is clear and can confidently communicate the concepts of Aware Parenting.
I loved chatting with Joss. She creates such a safe space to explore the parenting journey, with no judgement and lots of guilt dissolution! Joss has come up with a couple of super simple to implement ideas to help reduce parental worry/anxiety and transform it into trust & to strengthen connection.
I highly recommend working with her
I have known Joss since 2006 and am in awe of what she brings to the world as an Aware Parenting Instructor. Her profound knowledge, wisdom and experience of Aware Parenting shine out in every interaction she has with parents, whether that's in Zoom calls, in our Aware Parenting and Natural Learning Community or in written responses in our free Facebook group. I've seen the relief on parents' faces and the drop in their shoulders as she shares her experiences with her children and the deep trust she has in Aware Parenting and the parent-child relationship through deeply living this approach over the past 15 years. I highly, broadly and widely recommend working with her.